
fast. But to return to the dog, of what size did I say he was? like your tall horse. That is saying a great deal. The dog, it now occurs to me, was only half-a-year old; but I would take my oath that he was as big as many an ox." They yet went a good way: but Frederick's heart was beating. How could it be otherwise? No one is fond of breaking a leg. He now beheld the bridge of judgment, and felt already half the pain of a broken leg. "Yes, father," he began, "the dog of which I spoke was large, and though I may have magnified a little, yet he actually was bigger than a calf." They got to the bridge. "Frederick! Frederick! how will it go with you?" The father walked before, but Frederick quickly detained him. "Ah! father," said he, " don't be so childish as to believe that I saw such a dog; for to make it short, before we cross the bridge, the dog was only as big as other dogs in general."

622. Ein guter dummer Bauerknabe, a (good) silly peasant's boy. The adj. Gut, here means stupid without being mischievous. Thus we call a plain honest man, but rather deficient in understanding, eine gute ehrliche Haut, (a good honest skin.) Ein guter Narr, a silly fool, who is not mischievously inclined.

623. Junker Hans, Lord Jack. Junker is properly a contraction of junger Herr, young lord. This title was anciently given only, as is still the case in England, to the sons of Dukes and Marquisses, but has long since been given to all the sons of every nobleman. A young nobleman on entering the military service is called Junker, until he obtains an officer's commission. And sometimes the word applies even to a grown-up nobleman, but always in a sneering way, as sec. 525: in Bürger's Ballad "Dem Junker Plump." We also say of a nobleman who constantly lives on his estate in the country, er ist ein Landjunker. In Hamburg they call the youngest apprentice of a baker Junker, and in some sea-ports of the Baltic merchants were anciently named Junker; hence the Junkerhof, a commercial building at Dantzick, Junkeriren, or junkern, reg. neut. verb, to live merry like a young nobleman. May not the English "junketting" be derived from this

verb ?

623*. Hans, Jack, is the diminutive of Johann, John.

624. Trotz seinem Herrn, as well as his master, vying with his master. Der Trotz, es, e, masc. scorn, spite, arrogance, sauciness, hectoring, obstinacy; aus Trotz, out of spite; einem Trotz bieten, to defy one. Construed with the


dative it means in spite of, notwithstanding but here it is vying with, as well as; thus we say, er läuft Trotz einem Läufer, he runs as well, as fast, as a running footman. Modern writers consider it as an adverb, when it means notwithstanding. They spell it without a capital letter, and construe it with the genitive: trotz seines Reichthums ist er doch nicht glücklich, in spite of his wealth he is not happy. See trotzen, section 608.

626. Mit einer guten Gabe, with a good gift, with the happy talent, the word "happy" being used ironically. Gut here means perfect, complete, but may be explained as a sneer. Nach der vollbrachten Reise, after the performed journey; vollbracht, part. past of the irr. insep. comp. act. verb. vollbringen, to perform, to execute, to accomplish, to achieve. It follows the irregularities of bringen. Ich vollbringe, ich vollbrachte, ich habe vollbracht. We say, nach vollbrachter Arbeit ist gut ruhen, after the labour has been performed, rest is sweet. And Luther translates the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans, vii. 18, Wollen hab'ich wohl, aber vollbringen das Gute find'ich nicht, " to will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good, I find not." The German verbs, formed with voll, are inseparable, when they denote completion or achieving, as here, and in vollziehen, to execute. Die vollziehende Gewalt, the executive power; vollführen, to fulfil; vollenden, to finish; vollstrecken, to execute a sentence. But they are separable whenever the adjective voll retains its meaning of "full." Thus we say, vollgiessen, to pour full. Ich giesse voll, ich goss voll, ich habe vollgegossen; and though active verbs compounded with voll govern the accusative of the thing, when used without voll they govern the accusative of the vessel or object which is filled by means of the verb, whenever they are employed with voll. Thus we say, without voll, ich giesse den Wein in das Glass, I pour the wine into the glass; ich schütte den Weitzern in den Sack, I put the wheat into the sack; but on using voll-ich giesse das Glass voll, I fill the glass; ich schütte den Sack voll, I fill the sack. They are elliptical expressions. Ein Glass vollgiessen, is ein Glass durch giessen voll machen, to make a glass full by pouring into it. See the adj. voll, section 531.

627. Log is the preter. of the irr. nent. lügen, to lie, sec. 594. Ich lüge, ich log, ich habe gelogen.

628. Ich bin nicht ehrenwerth, I am not worthy of honour, I'll forfeit my honour. This is an adj.; but we often say, das ist aller Ehren werth, that is very acceptable; in this case it is the substantive. Ehre, honour, construed with werth, worthy, and must be spelt separately. The sub. die Ehre, fem. honour, like die Erde, earth; Gnade, grace, favour; Frau, woman; Seele, soul, and others, may also be declined der Ehren, in the genitive and dative, sec. 602.

629. Das nimmt mich Wunder, that makes me wonder, I wonder at it. Anciently wunder nehmen, to harbour wonder, to wonder.

630. Wiewohl, conj. though, although, throws the verb to the end of the sentence. Wiewohl sie noch jung ist, though she is yet young; ich that als wüsste ich von nichts wiewohl ich davon schon gehört hatte, I did as if I knew nothing of the matter, though I heard of it before. The poet uses it here in the sense of " however," adverbially, in which case it has no influence upon the construction.

631. Jetzunder is an antiquated, and now vulgar form of jetzt, adv. of time, at present, sec. 82.

632. Und werden keine Stunde gehn, and shall not go one hour, and shall not have one hour to go; die Stunde, fem. the hour ; er kömmt um ein Uhr und bleibt eine Stunde mit mir, he comes at one o'clock, and stays an hour with me. But eine Stunde, in Germany, also means half a German mile, or two and a half English miles, because they reckon that it requires two hours to walk a German mile, which is nearly five English miles. Von Leipzig nach Dresden rechnet man vier und zwanzig Stunden, they reckon twelve German miles from Leipzick to Dresden. Stunde is also used for instruction that lasts one hour; Stunden geben, to give lessons; Er giebt Stunden auf dem Klavier, he teaches the piano-forte by the hour, he gives lessons on the piano.

633. Die hat dir manchen schon betrogen, this has (to thee) already deceived many a one. The pronoun personal dir is a mere expletive here, intended, as it were, to bring the thing spoken more in view of the hearer, to direct his attention more fully to it.

634. Mancher, e, es, an indeterm. pronoun, constantly denotes in the sing. "many a," the old French maint, and in the plural" several," the opposite of a "few." Thus we say, es sind viele Geitzige in der Welt, und manche unter ihnen scheuen sich nicht die grossten Ungerechtigkeiten zu begehen, there are many misers in the world, and several of them do not scruple to commit the greatest injustice. The old proverb says:—

Wenn mancher Mann wüsste wer mancher Mann wär'
That mancher Mann manchem Mann manchmal mehr Ehr';
Weil mancher Mann aber nicht weiss wer mancher Mann ist
Drum mancher Mann manchen Mann manchmal vergisst.

635. Betrog is the preter. of the insep. comp. act. verb, betrügen, which some incorrectly spell betriegen, to deceive. It is derived from trügen, to deceive, the irregularities of which it follows-ich betrüge, ich betrog, ich habe betrogen. The sub. is Trug, masc. fraud, deception, which clearly. shews that the verbs ought to be trügen, and betrügen. The inseparable particle be, here directs the action of the verb to one particular object. We say in general, der Schein trügt, appearances are deceitful; and ein Spieler betrügt sein Mitspieler, a gambler deceives the person he gambles with.

636. Uberhaupt solls dort nicht gar zu richtig seyn, in general it is reported not to be over right there, the spot is said to be haunted. Sollen, sec. 53. Richtig, adj. and adv. right, just, accurate. But in the popular language, in diesem Hause ist es nicht richtig, that house is haunted; es geht nicht richtig zu, there is some supernatural agency; and sometimes es geht hier nicht richtig zu, or es geht nicht mit rechten Dingen zu, denotes simply that matters are not as they should be, that there is something improper. 637. So bald er diese vernommen, the auxiliary hatte, must be supplied, as soon as he had heard this, sec. 464.

638. Dazu will viel gehören, much will belong to that, much is required for that, is an idiomatic expression, which here answers the English, "that is saying a great deal." Gehören, reg. neut. verb, to belong, makes the participle past gehört, just as hören, to hear. Ich habe gehört dass es ihm gehört, I heard that it belongs to him. The

refl. impers. Es gehört sich, means, it is proper, fit, requisite.

639. Jetzt fällt mirs ein jetzt fällt mir es ein, or jetzt fällt es mir ein, it now occurs to me. Einfallen, sep. irr. comp. neut. verb, which according to the different meanings of the sep. particle ein, sections 72 and 455, denotes to fall, to ruin, to invade, to happen, to decay; here it is to occur, to get into the mind. Es fällt mir ein, it occurs to Der Name will mir nicht einfallen, I cannot recollect his name. Kospoth says:


"Am Platz des Kaisers Franz zu seyn
Das fällt mir wahrlich nimmer ein, &c.
Der heil'ge Vater Pabst zu seyn

Das fällt mir noch viel wen'ger ein, &c.
Der Türken Gross Sultan zu seyn

Das fällt mir selbst im Traum nicht ein," &c.

640. Erst ein halbes Jahr, only half-a-year, sec. 107. 641. Wenn ich auch was vergrössert hätte, although I should have magnified a little; wenn auch, conj. although we may say, wenn auch, wenn gleich, or wenn schon, and the sentence is generally connected by so, as here, so war er doch.

642. Was is a contraction for etwas, something, somewhat, a little, sections 5, 258, and 486.

643. Die Brücke kömmt, the bridge comes; instead of, they got to the bridge.

644. Wie wird dirs gehn? wie wird dir es gehn? or wie wird es dir gehn? how will it go to thee? whilst in English it is how will it go with thee?

644. We particularly recommend the converting of poetry into prose, as the safest method of acquiring not only the knowledge of the language that is studied, but also the habit of writing it correctly. The task is as simple as it is useful. The student will do well to construe the poetical extracts in the logical order, which operation will give him the habit of attending to the inflections of the articles, nouns, and pronouns; to the peculiarities of compound tenses, of adverbial expressions, of pronouns relative, and of conjunctions; and to the words which the poet

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