
though several lines of research are in progress. Three bulletins have been published so far from the federal funds within the fiscal year as follows (and others are in preparation):

No. 232-Experiments on the Influence of Fertilizers upon the Yield of Timothy

233-Two New Shade-tree Pests

234-The Bronze Birch Borer

An experiment station is not only directly valuable of itself, but it is essential to a modern college of agriculture. The discovery of knowledge affords the example and provides for the impetus that all teaching needs. Research cannot be dissociated from teaching of a college and university grade. Only one of all the land-grant colleges lacks an experiment station, although in two or three others the station is geographically removed. Of necessity, every teacher in a college of agriculture who keeps alive is an investigator; this investigation should be organized and the results published. The student catches the spirit of it, and develops a scientific habit of mind, taking nothing on authority but everything on evidence.

IV. THE MOST URGENT NEEDS OF THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE The completion and equipment of the buildings of the College of Agriculture will by no means provide all the facilities that the College must have if it is to do its part in placing the agricultural interests of New York State where they ought to be. The complete equipment of a College of Agriculture is a direct investment in the interest of the people. It is not a gift to any institution or to any occupation. If the New York State College of Agriculture does not need more buildings and equipment, it will be because the College does not grow; and if it does not grow it will have small usefulness. At the very least, the College must be put on its feet, and the new buildings, large as they are, will not accomplish this. They will not accommodate all the students that will probably come the first year that they are ready for occupancy. The large auditorium will seat less than 600 persons. The laboratories will be over-crowded with 500 and more students pursuing many kinds of work. The College has not nearly reached its full growth; it is yet scarcely under way. I mention a few of the most urgent present needs.

The first need is for more land. The farm area is now approximately as follows:

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This is not sufficient land, especially not sufficient tillage land, to support good herds, let alone the crops and experiment grounds that are essential. One farm should be devoted to research, free from encroachment of ordinary farm operations. Another should be devoted to orchards, of which we have practically none at present.

There must be barns. The best modern barn construction should be represented here. The present barn is wholly unsuited to the needs. It could very well be utilized, with remodeling, as an additional laboratory for mechanics and machinery At least the following barn structures are needed: a central or administration barn; horse barn; dairy barns and other cattle barns; pig barn; sheep barns. The animal husbandry, which is of commanding importance to the State, cannot be developed until land and barns are provided. A new set of poultry buildings should be provided.

Glass houses for the horticultural department, for investigations in agronomy and in entomology, are essential.

Live-stock must be secured if the College is to represent the State. Additional teaching force must be provided if we are to meet the needs and demands of the State. The College should have a summer session for teachers in the rural schools.

It must be remembered that we are now dealing with the problem of establishing an up-to-date college of agriculture from the ground up, not with merely supplementing or extending one that is already housed and equipped. In saying this I do not forget the good work of our predecessors, for if they had not persisted the present growth would be impossible. It is because of the good foundations they laid that the present superstructure can be erected, in a day when popular education is coming to its own.

I wish to express the sentiment of the members of the staff, and also my own, in appreciation of the way in which the people of the State and the officers who control the policy of the university have seconded our efforts to further the cause of agricultural education in New York State.

Respectfully submitted,


Director of the College of Agriculture



To the President of the University:

SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith my report for the academic year 1905-1906.

The college has experienced a most satisfactory year and the outlook for the future is very encouraging. The increased registration, which has been noticed for the past two or three years, has been especially noticeable this year. The highest registration in the history of the college was reached in the year 1893-94 just prior to the advance in entrance requirements. The registration that year was 97, but dropped to 76 in the following year. Two years later it had dropped to 51 and continued with little variation from an even 50 for some six or seven years. In 1902-03 the course in painting was added and gave temporarily a noticeable increase, but as this course has been discontinued and no longer affects the attendance the students registered in it may very properly be disregarded in estimating the growth of the college. Disregarding the students in painting, then, we find 49 students in 1901-02, 51 in 190203, 56 in 1903-04, 61 in 1904-05. and 81 in 1905-06. This gives the rate of gain in 1902-03 as 8.16%, in 1903-04 as 9.8%, in 1904-05 as 8.2%, and in 1905-06 as 32.8%. In view of the comparatively small number of students in the college and the extreme fluctuation in attendance in past years, this large percentage of gain in 1905-06 may not be especially significant; but it is at least encouraging at a time when the average increase throughout the university is only 2% and the largest increase in any other college in the university is less than 19%.

Another fact that may be noted is that this year as in past years the percentage of New York State students in the college is much smaller than in the University at large. In the university as a

whole this year about 56% of the students are from New York State and 44% from other states and countries, while in the College of Architecture less than 40% are from New York State and about 60% from outside the state. This geographical relation of the students in architecture has been noted in past years, but no record has been kept to show exact percentages.

During the past year the college has tried so far as practicable the experiment of entering the competitions conducted by the Society of Beaux Arts Architects. This society is composed of the leading architects of this country who have studied in the schools abroad, and is unquestionably, with the exception of the regularly organized schools, the most active and most competent influence in the country in the furtherance of architectural education. So far as possible we have endeavored to work with this society in its efforts to co-ordinate and unify the work of the several schools and societies interested in architectural education. It is yet too early to judge results, but so far as the work of this year is concerned we have found that enlarging the field of competition has stimulated our own students to greater effort and has given them a broader outlook. Whether this would have been equally helpful had our success been less marked I cannot say, for our students have taken during the year no fewer than seven medals in these competitions and have almost invariably received at least mentions or first mentions. While some of the other schools have entered these competitions, they have not done so to the extent that we have and consequently there are not sufficient data for making comparisons.

While all the other schools that we regard as in any degree our competitors hold regular advertising space in the leading technical journals, we have done no direct advertising of this kind for two years, preferring to let our work speak for itself in the annual exhibitions of the architectural societies. It is through these exhibitions that we reach most effectively the men who are leaders in their profession and it is by the sentiment of these men that we must be guided if we are to educate men for the profession. Our work has been well received and well placed in the exhibitions this year and the professional comment has been very gratifying.

The satisfaction expressed a year ago with what seemed to be a fairly permanent organization of the instructing staff has proved to be short lived. Professor Prevot, who has done so much to maintain and strengthen the work in design, has been unable to resist the pressure brought to bear upon him to enter the field of active prac

tice and leaves at the end of the year. We are most fortunate, however, in being able at this time to secure as his successor Mr. Jean Hébrard, another distinguished young Frenchman of the École des Beaux Arts. Mr. Shreve, whose instruction in the elements of architecture and allied subjects has been markedly successful during the past few years, also leaves the school for the field of practice and is to be succeeded by Mr. Robert North who is a first medal man of the class of 1905, Cornell. Mr. Dawson is to be absent for further study during the coming year and his work is to be taken temporarily by Mr. Geo. R. Chamberlain, formerly instructor in freehand drawing in Sibley College.

The promise of larger and better quarters for the work next year is a great relief. The work this year has been conducted under well nigh insuperable difficulties and any further increase in the number of students next year would have made it quite impossible to do the work with the present accommodations.

The two upper floors of White Hall, when properly re-arranged and provided with good skylight for the drafting rooms in the top story, will give quarters much more spacious and better lighted than the college has ever had in the past. These rooms, though by no means ideal, will give very satisfactory working space for about 110 students. With the present rate of increase this would serve for only two years at most; but it is hardly to be expected that so unusual a rate of increase will continue uninteruptedly, though it is difficult just at this time to suppress optimism to the point of not wishing that the visible room for expansion were greater. The top floor of Franklin Hall offers excellent room for the work in freehand drawing, life class, etc., and it has the further advantage of being close to and and conveniently accessible from the headquarters of the college in White Hall.

Respectfully submitted,


Professor in Charge of the College of Architecture.

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