Front cover image for Positive psychology : the scientific and practical explorations of human strengths

Positive psychology : the scientific and practical explorations of human strengths

Brings positive social science to life through a comprehensive review of the literature and well-crafted exercises that encourage readers to put positive psychology principles to the test.
Print Book, English, ©2007
SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, Calif., ©2007
xxv, 598 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 27 cm
9780761926337, 076192633X
PrefacePART I: LOOKING AT PSYCHOLOGY FROM A POSITIVE PERSPECTIVE1. Welcome to Positive Psychology Going From the Negative to the Positive Positive Psychology Seeks a Balanced, More Complete View of Human Functioning Where We Are Now and What We Will Ask What’s Your Face? A Positive Psychology Passport Picture A Guide to This Book The Big Picture Appendix Key Terms2. Western Perspective on Positive Psychology Hope: Ubiquitous Yet Hidden Hope as Part of Greek Mythology Religious Hope in Western Civilization Revision of the History of Hope in Western Civilization Conclusions Key Terms3. Eastern Perspectives on Positive Psychology A Matter of Perspective Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism East Meets West Different Ways to Positive Outcomes Final Thoughts Key Terms4. Classifications and Measures of Human Strengths and Positive Outcomes Classifications and Measures of Human Strengths Positive Outcomes for All Identifying Strengths and Moving Toward a Vital Balance Note Key TermsPART II: POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY IN CONTEXT5. Developing Strengths and Living Well in a Cultural Context Culture and Psychology Understanding Culture: A Matter of Perspective Positive Psychology: Culture Free or Culturally Embedded? Putting Positive Psychology in a Cultural Context Final Thoughts on the Complexity of Cultural Influences Key Terms6. Living Well at Every Stage of Life Resilience in Childhood Positive Youth Development The Life Tasks of Adulthood Successful Aging A More Developmental Focus in Positive Psychology Key TermsPART III: POSITIVE EMOTIONAL STATES AND PROCESSES7. The Principles of Pleasure: Understanding Positive Affect, Positive Emotions, Happiness, and Well-Being Defining Emotional Terms Distinguishing the Positive and the Negative Positive Emotions: Expanding the Repertoire of Pleasure Happiness and Subjective Well-Being: Living a Pleasurable Life Moving Toward the Positive Key Terms8. Making the Most of Emotional Experiences: Emotion-Focused Coping, Emotional Intelligence, Socioemotional Selectivity, and Emotional Storytelling Emotion-Focused Coping: Discovering The Adaptive Potential of Emotional Approach Emotional Intelligence: Learning the Skills That Make a Difference Socioemotional Selectivity: Focusing in Later Life on Positive Emotions and Emotion-Related Goals Emotional Storytelling: The Pennebaker Paradigm as a Means of Processing Intense Negative Emotions Working With Emotions to Bring About Positive Change An Emotional Balancing Act Key TermsPART IV: POSITIVE COGNITIVE STATES AND PROCESSES9. Seeing Our Futures Through Self-Efficacy, Optimism, and Hope Fascination With the Future Self-Efficacy Optimism Hope Putting Temporal Futures in Perspective Cultural Caveats About Temporal Perspective Appendix A: A Summary of Hope Theories Appendix B: Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory Items Key Terms10. Wisdom and Courage: Two Universal Virtues Wisdom and Courage: Two of a Kind Theories of Wisdom Becoming and Being Wise Theories of Courage Becoming and Being Courageous Courage Research Finding Wisdom and Courage in Daily Life The Value of Wisdom and Courage Key Terms11. Mindfulness, Flow, and Spirituality: In Search of Optimal Experiences Moment-to-Moment Searches Mindfulness: In Search of Novelty Flow: In Search of Absorption Spirituality: In Search of the Sacred The True Benefits of Spirituality? The Search Continues Key TermsPART V: PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR12. Empathy and Egotism: Portals to Altruism, Gratitude, and Forgiveness Altruism Gratitude Forgiveness The Societal Implications of Altruism, Gratitude, and Forgiveness “I Have a Dream”: Toward a Kinder, Gentler Humankind Appendix A: The Helping Attitude Scale Appendix B: The Gratitude Questionnaire—Six Items From GQ-6 Appendix C: The Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS) Appendix D: The Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations Scale (TRIM) Key Terms13. Attachment, Love, and Flourishing Relationships Infant Attachment Adult Attachment Security Love Flourishing Relationships: A Series of Purposeful Positive Relationship Behaviors The Neurobiology of Interpersonal Connection More on Flourishing Relationships Building a Positive Psychology of Close Relationships Key TermsPART VI: UNDERSTANDING AND CHANGING HUMAN BEHAVIOR14. Balanced Conceptualizations of Mental Health and Behavior Moving Toward Balanced Conceptualizations Our Fascination With Abnormal Behavior Neglect of the Environment and of the Positive The Lack of a Developmental Emphasis Difficulties Understanding Behavior in a Cultural Context The Limits of the Categorical Diagnostic System Going Beyond the DSM-IV Framework Key Terms15. Interceding to Prevent the Bad and Enhance the Good In the Words of a Psychotherapy Client... Primary Prevention: “Stop the Bad Before It Happens” Secondary Prevention (Psychotherapy): “Fix the Problem” Primary Enhancement: “Make Life Good” Secondary Enhancement: “Make Life the Best Possible” The Balance of Prevention and Enhancement Systems Appendix A: Effective Secondary Preventions (Psychotherapies) for Adult Problems Appendix B: Hope Therapy Worksheet Key TermsPart VII: Positive Environments16. Positive Schooling “Teachers Can’t Get Jobs in the Real World!” Negative Psychology: "Those Who Can′t, Shouldn′t Be Teaching" “No Child Left Behind” and Beyond The Components of Positive Schooling One Example of Positive Schooling: The StrengthsQuest Program Teaching as a Calling Giving Back to Teachers Appendix A: Assessing Educational Success Appendix B: Teaching Tips From Two “Wills”—James and McKeachie Key Terms17. Good Work: The Psychology of Gainful Employment Gainful Employment “We Have an Opening”: Jenny Loses a Job and Finds a Career Take-Home Messages From Jenny’s Story Gainful Employment: Happiness, Satisfaction, and Beyond Measuring Gainful Employment Having or Being a Good Boss The Strengths-Based Approach to Work Capital at Work Hope: A Prime Psychological Capital The Dark Side: Workaholics, Burnouts, and Jobs Lost What Can Be Done To Improve Your Work? When Work Becomes a Calling: The Tale of a Hospital Orderly A New Accounting: An Eye Toward People Rather Than Money Key Terms18. The Me/We Balance: Building Better Communities Where We Are Going: From ME to WE to US Individualism: The Psychology of ME Collectivism: The Psychology of WE ME/WE Balance: The Positive Psychology of US Appendix: The Need for Uniqueness Scale Key TermsPART VIII: A POSITIVE LOOK AT THE FUTURE OF PSYCHOLOGY19. Going Positive Trading the Bad for Some Good: The Case of Molly Tackling a Fundamental Dilemma: Bad Is Stronger Than Good Positive Psychology Is Gaining Attention Positive Psychology as a Worldwide Phenomenon For the Many, Not Just the Few Young People and Education in Positive Psychology Women in Positive Psychology Experts’ Views on 21st-Century Positive Psychology The Power of Attitude: The Tales of Johnsy and Jerry Appendix: Positive Social ScienceReferencesAuthor IndexSubject IndexAbout the Authors