Front cover image for Cultures and politics of global communication

Cultures and politics of global communication

"This special issue of the Review of International Studies opens up the discussion of the cultures and politics of communication within the discipline of International Relations (IR) and beyond. Through a variety of different mediums ranging from mass media, internet, film, memory, music, travelling, and emotions, this book seeks to accentuate their importance for IR, both as a source of knowledge and as an ideational exchange which shapes IR. It examines the diverse ways that multidiscipiinary thinkers try to understand and explain global routes, mobilities, cultures, commodifications, singularities. discourses and aestheticisations. Overall, it specifically addresses three interrelated themes: how international and global studies approach the question of communication; how to conceptualise and respond to the globalisation of communication; and how global problems are communicated within and across the institutional settings of disciplines in general, and IR in particular."--Jacket
Print Book, English, 2008
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008
234 pages ; 25 cm
9780521727112, 0521727111
Introduction: International Relations and the Challenges of Global Communication Costas M. Constantinou, Oliver P. Richmond and Alison M.S. Watson; 1. Communications/excommunications: an interview with Armand Mattelart conducted by Costas M. Constantinou; 2. On order and conflict: International relations and the 'communicative turn', Mathias Albert, Oliver Kessler and Stephan Stetter; 3. Opening Other Windows:A Political Economy of 'Openness' in a Global Information Society Christopher May; 4. Global Communication and Political Culture in the Semi-Periphery: The Rise of the Globo Corporation Peter Wilkin; 5. Fear No More: Emotions and World Politics Roland Bleiker and Emma Hutchison; 6. Popular Visual Language as Global Communication: The Remediation of United Airlines Flight 93 Cindy Weber; 7. Humanitarian Travels: Ethical Communication in Lonely Planet Guidebooks Debbie Lisle; 8. Transversal Communication, Diaspora, and the Euro-Kurds Nevzat Soguk; 9. Never Mind the Bollocks: The Punk Rock Politics of Global Communication Kevin C. Dunn; 10. Biopolitics, Communication and Global Governance: London, July 2005 Jenny Edkins